Date: December 3, 2024
To: The Honorable Lake County Board of Supervisors
From: Susan Parker, County Administrative Officer
Stephen L. Carter, Jr., Assistant County Administrative Officer
Matthew Rothstein, Chief Deputy County Administrative Officer
Subject: Consideration of a Lease Agreement Between the County of Lake and Lakeport Plaza, LLC, for Office Space at 55 1st St, Lakeport
Executive Summary:
As your Board is aware, the Public Defender’s Office, with assistance from County Administrative Office staff, has been searching for an appropriate office space for several months. Over that time, two viable spaces were identified. One of those (not proposed for Lease) would have required many months of renovation to be suitable for occupancy by the Public Defender’s staff. The other, 55 1st St, Lakeport, is relatively move-in ready, and proposed to your Board for Lease today. When all expenses are considered over the course of a ten-year lease, the costs for each of the viable facilities was effectively equal.
On September 12, 2024, Chief Public Defender, Ray Buenaventura, presented to the Space Use Committee, proposing Lease of space at 55 1st St. The Committee approved moving forward with a proposed ten-year Lease for the Board of Supervisors’ consideration. In the time since, County Administrative Office and County Counsel staff have worked with the owners of the building to negotiate the best possible terms for Lease of this space.
The space proposed for lease is 4,716 square feet, which is sufficient to accommodate existing and anticipated future Public Defender staffing requirements. The monthly Base Rent amount is $9,903.60, static for ten years (i.e., no CPI or other increases). Additionally, the terms of the Lease require a $1/square foot charge for Operating Expenses, which encompass electricity, sewer, trash, disposal, water service, elevator service, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) maintenance, pest control, basic landscaping and an alarm system. The Operating Expenses Flat Fee will be re-evaluated, and adjusted to reflect actual costs, at the start of years four and seven of the proposed Agreement.
Pending your Board’s approval, this Lease will immediately commence (retroactive to December 1, 2024), and end November 30, 2034.
Staff recommends your Board approve the proposed Lease Agreement.
If not budgeted, fill in the blanks below only:
Estimated Cost: _$119,250.80_ Amount Budgeted: $119,250.80 Additional Requested: ___N/A___ Future Annual Cost: $181,908
Purchasing Considerations (check all that apply): ☒ Not applicable
☐ Fully Article X. <>- and/or Consultant Selection Policy <$!26+Procedures+Manual/Ch4_2021v2.pdf>-Compliant (describe process undertaken in “Executive Summary”)
☐ Section 2-38 <> Exemption from Competitive Bidding (rationale in “Executive Summary,” attach documentation, as needed)
☐ For Technology Purchases: Vetted and Supported by the Technology Governance Committee <> (“Yes,” if checked)
☐ Other (Please describe in Executive Summary)
Consistency with Vision 2028 <> (check all that apply): ☐ Not applicable
☒ Well-being of Residents ☒ Public Safety ☒ Disaster Prevention, Preparedness, Recovery
☐ Economic Development ☒ Infrastructure ☒ County Workforce
☒ Community Collaboration ☒ Business Process Efficiency ☒ Clear Lake
Recommended Action: Approve the Lease Agreement Between the County of Lake and Lakeport Plaza, LLC, for Office Space at 55 1st St, Lakeport and authorize the Chair to sign.