Date: March 4, 2025
To: The Honorable Lake County Board of Supervisors
From: Susan Parker, County Administrative Officer
Stephen L. Carter, Jr., Assistant County Administrative Officer
Matthew Rothstein, Chief Deputy County Administrative Officer
Subject: Adopt Resolutions Affirming the County of Lake’s Highest FY 2026 Community Project Funding Priorities, and Authorize the Chair to Sign: (a) Resolution Authorizing Submittal of the South Lakeport Regional Water Resiliency and Fire Protection Project for Consideration as a Community Project Funding Proposal; (b) Resolution Authorizing Submittal of the Reentry Housing and Workforce Development for Those Returning from Incarceration in Lake County, CA, Project for Consideration as a Community Project Funding Proposal; (c) Resolution Authorizing Submittal of the Lake County Healthcare Education Innovation and Simulation Center Project for Consideration as a Community Project Funding Proposal
Executive Summary:
On Wednesday, January 29, 2025, the County received a Letter from Congressman Mike Thompson inviting Community Project Funding requests. As with the FY 2025 cycle, the letter noted Final Guidance from the Appropriations Committee had not been developed, and that remains the case. Congressman Thompson is asking that priorities be submitted by end of day (Friday) March 7, 2025.
On February 25, 2025, your Board voiced unanimous support for submittal of the following three projects:
(1) The South Lakeport Regional Water Resiliency & Fire Protection Project ($7,211,500) is a cooperative intergovernmental effort between the City of Lakeport and County of Lake. This Project proposes to extend City of Lakeport municipal water service to a currently unserved County of Lake jurisdictional corridor along South Main Street to Soda Bay Road, terminating at Manning Creek, and includes a crucial loop line going west under Highway 29 to connect with an existing main on Parallel Drive. Spanning approximately 8,000 linear feet of water main, 58 two-inch services, 16 hydrants, and 4 fire services, this Project aims to significantly enhance regional water infrastructure and resiliency. This project presents future opportunities for interties with the Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians Tribe and County of Lake Special Districts, setting the stage for a consolidated and robust regional water system. Further details are included in attachments to this Agenda Item.
(2) The Reentry Housing and Workforce Development for those returning from incarceration in Lake County, California, Project ($5,000,000) seeks funding to develop individual living space for at least 20 justice-involved individuals and engage those eligible in local workforce development initiatives, potentially including North Coast Opportunities’ (NCO’s) BUILD and Home Hardening programs. Your Board will recall $5,000,000 in Community Corrections Partnership funds have already been dedicated to this project; the total project cost is anticipated to be $24,000,000. Further information on this project and Letters of Support from Lakeport Police Department, Lake Family Resource Center, Redwood Community Services, and NCO are included in the attachments to this Agenda Item.
(3) The Lake County Healthcare Education Innovation and Simulation Center (Education and Simulation Center) ($3,000,000) is a planned $8.75 million workforce development facility near Sutter Lakeside Hospital. It includes three components: SPARK, offering 4th-8th graders healthcare career exposure through simulations, tours, workshops, and mentorships; a healthcare career pathway for high school students and adults, integrating CTE (Career and Technical Education) programs, work experience, adult training, and professional development; and community outreach, featuring CPR/parenting classes, collaboration space for partners, and health resources. Sutter Health has committed to a 10-year lease. Partners include all Lake County school districts, medical systems, adult education institutions, workforce organizations, and local government. Funding includes $200,000 from Redwood K16 Collaborative for CTE curriculum, school districts and community colleges have likewise committed to contribute matching funds and in-kind contributions to cover operating expenses, and applications for $964,573 (Redwood Region Rise Catalyst Fund), $1.5 million (Sutter Health CHNA Workforce Development Grant), and future EDA Economic Adjustment Assistance support.
The Resolutions attached to this Agenda Item effectuate your Board’s consensus Direction from your February 25, 2025, meeting. Staff recommends your Board Adopt each of the Resolutions, and authorize Chair Crandell to sign.
If not budgeted, fill in the blanks below only:
Estimated Cost: ________ Amount Budgeted: ________ Additional Requested: ________ Future Annual Cost: ________
Purchasing Considerations (check all that apply): ☒ Not applicable
☐ Fully Article X. <>- and/or Consultant Selection Policy <$!26+Procedures+Manual/Ch4_2021v2.pdf>-Compliant (describe process undertaken in “Executive Summary”)
☐ Section 2-38 <> Exemption from Competitive Bidding (rationale in “Executive Summary,” attach documentation, as needed)
☐ For Technology Purchases: Vetted and Supported by the Technology Governance Committee <> (“Yes,” if checked)
☐ Other (Please describe in Executive Summary)
Consistency with Vision 2028 <> (check all that apply): ☐ Not applicable
☒ Well-being of Residents ☒ Public Safety ☒ Disaster Prevention, Preparedness, Recovery
☒ Economic Development ☒ Infrastructure ☐ County Workforce
☒ Community Collaboration ☐ Business Process Efficiency ☐ Clear Lake
Recommended Action: Adopt Resolutions Affirming the County of Lake’s Highest FY 2026 Community Project Funding Priorities, and Authorize the Chair to Sign: (a) Resolution Authorizing Submittal of the South Lakeport Regional Water Resiliency and Fire Protection Project for Consideration as a Community Project Funding Proposal; (b) Resolution Authorizing Submittal of the Reentry Housing and Workforce Development for Those Returning from Incarceration in Lake County, CA, Project for Consideration as a Community Project Funding Proposal; (c) Resolution Authorizing Submittal of the Lake County Healthcare Education Innovation and Simulation Center Project for Consideration as a Community Project Funding Proposal