Date: February 27, 2024
From: The Honorable Lake County Board of Supervisors
Subject: Presentation of Proclamation Celebrating First 5 Lake County’s 25 Years of Service in Lake County
Executive Summary:
WHEREAS, in November of 1998 California voters passed Proposition 10, the Children’s and Family Act, adding a tax on tobacco products to support early education and health programs, services, and resources specifically for young children prenatal through age five and their families; and
WHEREAS, the County of Lake established a local Children and Families Commission, now known as First 5 Lake Commission, in January of 1999, consisting of nine local voting members. Commissioners represent county government, public health, social services, education, early care, and family advocates; and
WHEREAS, for the past 25 years, First 5 Lake has been an unwavering pillar of support for the community's youngest members, consistently demonstrating a steadfast commitment to nurturing their growth and development; and
WHEREAS, throughout its extensive tenure, First 5 Lake has been a driving force behind the advancement of early childhood development, tirelessly working to create an environment where every child has equitable access to essential resources, support systems, and opportunities that lay the foundation for a healthy and thriving start in life; and
WHEREAS, First 5 Lake provides supports for direct services most notably for parenting classes, support for childcare, oral health care, literacy programs, car seat programs, early parent supports, and resources for families; and
WHEREAS, the innovative programs and initiatives spearheaded by First 5 Lake contributes to the overall well-being of our county through the continuous improvement of systems impacting our families; and
WHEREAS, the collaboration, dedication, and passion exhibited by the First 5 Lake Commission have been instrumental in creating a community where children are prioritized, families are supported, and the foundation for a prosperous future is laid; and
WHEREAS, as we celebrate this significant milestone, we recognize and commend First 5 Lake for its 25 years of exceptional service, commitment, and positive influence on the lives of our youngest community members;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED that the Lake County Board of Supervisors does hereby express our deepest gratitude to First 5 Lake for 25 years of service, innovation, and advocacy for the well-being of our children and families. We celebrate the accomplishments, impact, and enduring legacy of First 5 Lake, and we look forward to continued collaboration in building a brighter, healthier future for generations to come.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of February, 2024
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Recommended Action: Presentation Only.