Date: November 14, 2024
To: Planning Commission
From: Mireya G. Turner, Director
Michelle Irace, Principal Planner
Mary Claybon, Senior Planner
Subject: Informational Update on Cannabis Ordinance Task force Recommendations
Executive Summary:
1- Summary of COTF, PC and BOS Permit Type Recommendations
Since its formation by the Board of Supervisors on July 12, 2022, the Cannabis Ordinance Task Force (COTF) has met regularly, working on a number of draft ordinances which were Board priorities, and more recently, on recommendations for revising the current cannabis policy.
COTF began meeting on August 1, 2022, and has held bi-weekly meetings over the last two years to discuss current regulations and provide recommendations for revisions of the ordinance (which will become Article 73). Article 27 containing existing County cannabis regulations (beginning on pg. 27-110) can be found online at: Zoning Ordinance | Lake County, CA ( <>. The COTF meeting agendas, videos and minutes may be found online at: <> . The COTF webpage containing information and presentations may be found at: <> Force <>
In an effort to bring recommendations forward to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors by the end of this calendar year, the COTF is holding a series of weekly, three-hour special meetings in November and December. Additionally, COTF has narrowed the scope of discussion to a specific list of topics, rather than reviewing the ordinance line by line; this list includes suggestions from Staff, the public and COTF. Additionally, suggestions are based on an effort to align with the State’s Department of Cannabis Control’s regulation, which can be found online at: DCC Commercial Cannabis Regulations <>
Table 1 below includes a list of recommendations made by the COTF to date, and Table 2 includes the remaining focus topics they will continue to discuss throughout the calendar year. This item includes an informational update for the Planning Commission; no action is required.