File #: 25-52    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/10/2025 In control: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: (a) Approve Letter of Agreement between the Lake County Sheriff's Office and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) in the amount of $125,000 for the period October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025; and (b) authorize Sheriff to sign the Agreement and (c) authorize the Chairman to sign Workplace Certifications and Grant Assurances
Sponsors: Sheriff
Attachments: 1. 2025-20 Lake County Sheriff's Office (CA-SF) (002), 2. assurances_20250211140902, 3. certifications_20250211140843
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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Date: January 10, 2025

To: The Honorable Lake County Board of Supervisors

From: Luke Bingham, Sheriff/Coroner

Subject: (a) Approve Letter of Agreement between the Lake County Sheriff's Office and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) in the amount of $125,000 for the period October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025; and (b) authorize Sheriff to sign the Agreement and (c) authorize the Chairman to sign Workplace Certifications and Grant Assurances

Executive Summary: The Sheriff's office requests approval of the Drug Enforcement Administration Marijuana Eradication Agreement for federal fiscal year 2025/26. This agreement is in the amount of $125,000. These funds will be allocated to the Sheriff/Marijuana budget request for Budget Unit 2203. This budget does not include any county general fund monies and is used for marijuana eradication, overtime costs for marijuana eradication and flight time.

If not budgeted, fill in the blanks below only:
Estimated Cost: ________ Amount Budgeted: ________ Additional Requested: ________ Future Annual Cost: ________

Purchasing Considerations (check all that apply): ? Not applicable
? Fully Article X.- and/or Consultant Selection Policy-Compliant (describe process undertaken in "Executive Summary")
? Section 2-38 Exemption from Competitive Bidding (rationale in "Executive Summary," attach documentation, as needed)
? For Technology Purchases: Vetted and Supported by the Technology Governance Committee ("Yes," if checked)
? Other (Please describe in Executive Summary)

Consistency with Vision 2028 (check all that apply): ? Not applicable
? Well-being of Residents ? Public Safety ? Disaster Prevention, Preparedness, Recovery
? Economic Development ? Infrastructure ? County Workforce
? Community Collaboration ? Business Process Efficiency ? Clear Lake

Recommended Action: (a) Approve Letter of Agreement between the Lake County Sheriff'...

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