Date: December 3, 2024
To: The Honorable Lake County Board of Supervisors
From: Robin Borre, Special Districts Administrator
Subject: Approve Agreement between the County of Lake on behalf of CSA #02 Spring Valley, CSA #6 Finley, CSA #13 Kono Tayee, CSA #20 Soda Bay, CSA #21 North Lakeport, Kelseyville County Water Works District #3, and Lake County Sanitation District and Brelje & Race Consulting Engineers and LACO Associates for On Call Civil Engineering and Design Services, award the identified task orders, and Authorize the Chair to Sign.
Executive Summary: Lake County Special Districts solicited proposals from qualified consultants to perform a variety of "on-call" engineering services to help assist District staff in engineering assignments and tasks that are needed for the District to perform at various times. This will enable staff to quickly and efficiently address needed engineering and design services without having to go through the individual Request for Proposal and Consultant Selection process for each needed engineering design.
Engineering design is fully funded through various grants and funding sources, including operations budgets.
A Request for Proposals (Solicitation No. 250731) was distributed to fifteen (15) firms, was advertised in the Record Bee and placed on the County and Special Districts websites. We received three (3) proposals; Brelje & Race Consulting Engineers of Santa Rosa, CA., LACO Associates of Santa Rosa, CA. and California Engineering Company of Yuba City, CA. A Consultant Selection Board (CSB) was convened in accordance with County policy and the recommendation of the CSB was that Brelje & Race Consulting Engineers was the highest ranked firm with LACO Associates ranked as the second highest ranked firm and California Engineering Company was ranked as the third highest ranked firm. Due to the number of projects and engineering and design needs, the District decided to move forward with getting Brelje...
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