File #: 25-206    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/27/2025 In control: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
On agenda: 3/18/2025 Final action:
Title: 10:00 A.M. - HEARING - Consideration of Post-Abatement Hearing and Proposed Assessment of Abatement - 7560 Jackson Street, Nice (APN 030-091-06): Property Owner: DL Investors 1, LLC, c/o WPL Holdings, LLC
Sponsors: Community Development
Attachments: 1. Attachment A, 2. Attachment B, 3. Attachment C, 4. Attachment D, 5. Attachment E, 6. Attachment F

Date: March 18, 2025

To: The Honorable Lake County Board of Supervisors

From: Mireya G. Turner, Community Development Director
Marcus Beltramo, Code Enforcement Manager

Subject: 10:00 A.M. - HEARING - Consideration for Post-Abatement Hearing on Account and Proposed Assessment of Abatement - 7560 Jackson Street, Nice / APN# 030-091-06; Property Owner DL Investors 1 LLC, C/O WPL Holdings LLC

Executive Summary: Between January 16, 2025 and January 17, 2025, Lake County Code Enforcement (CE) performed an abatement for the property located at 7560 Jackson St., Nice, CA (property) owned by DL Investors 1 LLC C/O WPL Holdings LLC. In accordance with Lake County Code Chapter 13, Article I, Section 13-42, the Board of Supervisors shall hear and consider the account and proposed assessment, together with objections and protests thereto. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Board may make such modifications and revisions of the proposed account and assessment as it deems just and may order the account and proposed assessment confirmed or denied, in whole or in part or as modified and revised. The abatement was performed under the COPTR (Community Oriented Policing and Targeted Restoration) program, which is a Lake County Board of Supervisors (BOS) approved program to allocate additional County resources to those underserved areas along the Northshore of the County.

Property Information:
Property Owners: DL Investors 1 LLC C/O WPL Holdings LLC (Out of State, Chicago, ILL)
Zoning Designation: "RR" Rural Residential
Lot Type: Vacant lot, no improvements

Investigation Background and Fact(s):
During a Western Regional Town Hall (WRTH) meeting, the community members in attendance voiced their complaints concerning the violation(s) occurring on the subject property property to Code Enforcement (CE). In response to the unanimous request by the members of WRTH, Code enforcement moved forward with its processes to attain compliance with the County code....

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