File #: 25-226    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/5/2025 In control: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action:
Title: 9:08 A.M. - Consideration of Letter of Support for the Lake County Historical Society application for grant funding
Sponsors: Jessica Pyska
Attachments: 1. LOS_LakeCountyHistoricalSociety_Pyska
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Date:                                          March 11, 2025


To:                                          The Honorable Lake County Board of Supervisors


From:                                          Jessica Pyska, District 5 Supervisor


Subject:                     9:08 A.M. - Consideration of Letter of Support for the Lake County Historical Society application for grant funding


Executive Summary:

This all-volunteer, all-donation run museum has just accepted the donation of 17 horse-drawn wagons and carriages, representing the transportation history of a wide range of businesses, families, and classes of people in California. The wagons and carriages have been lovingly restored over the last decades.

In order to protect and display these unique forms of transportation, the Ely Museum needs the funds necessary to construct a "Carriage House" for the collection.


If not budgeted, fill in the blanks below only:

Estimated Cost: ________ Amount Budgeted: ________ Additional Requested: ________ Future Annual Cost: ________ 


Purchasing Considerations (check all that apply):                                           Not applicable

Fully Article X. <>- and/or Consultant Selection Policy <$!26+Procedures+Manual/Ch4_2021v2.pdf>-Compliant (describe process undertaken in “Executive Summary”)                     

Section 2-38 <> Exemption from Competitive Bidding (rationale in “Executive Summary,” attach documentation, as needed)                     

For Technology Purchases: Vetted and Supported by the Technology Governance Committee <> (“Yes,” if checked)

Other (Please describe in Executive Summary)


Consistency with Vision 2028 <> (check all that apply):                                                                Not applicable

Well-being of Residents                                           Public Safety                                                                Disaster Prevention, Preparedness, Recovery                     

Economic Development                                           Infrastructure                                                                County Workforce                     

Community Collaboration                      Business Process Efficiency                      Clear Lake                                                               


Recommended Action: Approve Letter of Support for the Lake County Historical Society application for grant funding and authorize the chair to sign