File #:
Action Item
Agenda Ready
On agenda:
Final action:
9:05 a.m. PUBLIC HEARING - Consideration of proposed Major Use Permit (UP 21-07), Little High Valley / 17870 Little High Valley, LLC and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 21-07) for approval of two (2) A-Type 3 “Outdoor” commercial cannabis cultivation licenses and one (1) Type 13 Self-Distribution, transport only license located at 17870 Little High Valley Road, Lower Lake (APN: 012-061-03)
1. Site Plans, 2. Conditions of Approval, 3. Property Management Plan, 4. Draft Initial Study, 5. Hydrology and Drought Mgmt Plan, 6. Agency Comment, 7. Tribal Comment, 8. Biological Assessment, 9. Documented Easement, 10. Public Comment, 11. Report of Grading and Stormwater Inspector, 12. JC Crandall v. County of Santa Barbara, 13. Staff Report UP 21-07 3.27.25
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Mireya G. Turner, Community Development Department
Prepared by Mary Claybon, Senior Planner
DATE: March 27, 2025 (Continued from February 13, 2025)
SUBJECT: Consideration of proposed Major Use Permit (UP 21-07), Little High Valley / 17870 Little High Valley, LLC and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 21-07) for approval of two (2) A-Type 3 “Outdoor” commercial cannabis cultivation licenses and one (1) Type 13 Self-Distribution, transport only license located at 17870 Little High Valley Road, Lower Lake (APN: 012-061-03)
Executive Summary:
On February 13, 2025, this item was brought before the Planning Commission, having been continued from December 12, 2024, and October 10, 2024. During the hearing, public comments were introduced into the administrative record, presenting new information pertinent to California case law and the right to utilize easements for commercial cannabis purposes. The project was continued to a specific date and time of March 27, 2025, at 9:05 a.m., to provide the applicant with an opportunity to consult with their legal counsel in the event that access is not granted by the neighboring parcels that contain the easement.
The neighboring landowners in which the easement traverses have not provided consent for commercial cannabis purposes. At this time, staff cannot support the findings for major use permit and is recommending denial of the project.
Recommended Action:
Staff recommends the Planning Commission take the following actions:
A. Deny Major Use Permit (UP 21-07) with the following findings:
That the streets, highways and pedestrian facilities are not reasonably adequate to safely accommodate the specific proposed use with mitigation measure added