File #: 24-212    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Action Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/22/2024 In control: Planning Commission
On agenda: 3/14/2024 Final action:
Title: PUBLIC HEARING - Consideration of proposed Major Use Permit (UP 20-33), and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 20-39), for cultivation of 304,710-sf of outdoor commercial cannabis canopy; Applicant: Meili Liu/Liu Farms; Located: 8531 High Valley Road, Clearlake Oaks (APN: 006-003-34)
Sponsors: Community Development
Attachments: 1. Project Site Plans, 2. Draft Conditions of Approval, 3. Property Management Plan (Cultural Resources Study Redacted), 4. Initial Study, 5. Hydrology Report, 6. Drought Management Plan, 7. Wetland Delineation, 8. Agency Comments, 9. Public Comments, 10. Staff Report
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Staff Report

Date: March 14, 2024

To: Planning Commission

From: Mireya G. Turner, Community Development Department
Michelle, Irace, Principal Planner
Trish Turner, Assistant Planner

Subject: Consideration of proposed Major Use Permit (UP 20-33), and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 20-39), for cultivation of 304,710-sf of outdoor commercial cannabis canopy; Applicant: Meili Liu/ Liu Farms; Located: 8531 High Valley Road, Clearlake Oaks (APN: 006-003-34)

Executive Summary:
The applicant, Meili Liu/ Liu Farms, is requesting discretionary approval from the County of Lake for Major Use Permit, (UP 20-33), for commercial cannabis cultivation at 8531 High Valley Road, Clearlake Oaks (Lake County APN: 006-003-34). The application, as proposed, would include cultivation of 304,710 sq. ft. (7 Acres) of outdoor canopy with seven (7) A-Type 3 licenses, and one (1) A-Type 13 Self-Distribution License. The zoning is "RL-WW-SC" - Rural Lands, Waterway Combining District, and Scenic Combining District. The total acreage of the parcel is approximately 158.22 acres.

Recommended Action:
Staff recommends the Planning Commission take the following actions:

A. Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS 20-39) for Major Use Permit (UP 20-33) with the following findings:

1. Potential environmental impacts related to Aesthetics can be mitigated to less than significant levels with the inclusion of mitigation measures AES-1 through AES-3.

2. Potential environmental impacts related to Air Quality can be mitigated to less than significant levels with the inclusion of mitigation measures AQ-1 through AQ-6.

3. Potential environmental impacts related to Biological Resources can be mitigated to less than significant levels with the inclusion of mitigation measures BIO-1 through BIO-3.

4. Potential environmental impacts related to Cultural Resources can be mitigated to less than significant levels with the inclusion of mitigation measures CUL-1 and CUL-2.

5. Potential envi...

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