Date: April 2, 2024
To: The Honorable Bruno Sabatier, Chair, Lake County Board of Supervisors
From: Lars Ewing, Public Services Director
Subject: Approve Amendment One to Equipment Repair and Services Contract between the County of Lake and Peterson Tractor Company in the increased amount of $150,000 and authorize the Chair to sign.
Executive Summary: The County is in the second year of a three-year contract with Peterson Tractor Company for mobile equipment service and repair work to the heavy equipment fleet at the Eastlake Landfill. The contract provides for up to $300,000 of annual service and repair work. However, the annual contract amount for this fiscal year will not be sufficient due to significant and unanticipated repairs necessary on the undercarriage and engine of the 973C dozer and the radiator and rear differential on the 826K compactor. The cost of the repairs totaled $142,078. The proposed increase of $150,000 will allow for continued landfill equipment operations through the end of this fiscal year.
There are sufficient appropriations in Budget Unit 4121, Integrated Waste Management, to cover this increase.
If not budgeted, fill in the blanks below only:
Estimated Cost: ______ Amount Budgeted: _______ Additional Requested: _______ Future Annual Cost: _______
Purchasing Considerations (check all that apply): ? Not applicable
? Fully Article X.- and/or Consultant Selection Policy-Compliant (describe process undertaken in "Executive Summary")
? Section 2-38 Exemption from Competitive Bidding (rationale in "Executive Summary," attach documentation, as needed)
? For Technology Purchases: Vetted and Supported by the Technology Governance Committee ("Yes," if checked)
? Other (Please describe in Executive Summary)
Consistency with Vision 2028 (check all that apply): ? Not applicable
? Well-being of Residents ? Public Safety ? Disaster Prevention, ...
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