9:20 a.m. PUBLIC HEARING - Consideration of Deviation (DV 24-01) to allow a reduction in road standards (improvement of an existing minor road.) Applicant: Alexander Johnson; Location: 9100 Rocky Creek Road, Lower Lake, (APN: 122-251-08)
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Mireya G. Turner, Community Development Director
Prepared by: Max Stockton, Assistant Planner
DATE: March 27, 2025
SUBJECT: Consideration of Deviation (DV 24-01) to allow a reduction in road standards (improvement of an existing minor road.) Applicant: Alexander Johnson; Location: 9100 Rocky Creek Road, Lower Lake, (APN: 122-251-08)
Executive Summary:
The applicant is requesting a deviation from the requirement of the County of Lake Subdivision Ordinance to allow a reduction in road standards for improvement to an existing road for minor road standards. A Minor Road standard requires the road to be widened to twenty feet. Rocky Creek Road is approximately twelve feet wide. Additionally, the applicant is requesting a deviation from the dedication requirement.
Recommended Action:
Staff recommends the Planning Commission take the following actions:
A. Approve DV 24-01 for Conditional Certificate of Compliance 24-01 as modified by staff with the following findings:
1. This deviation will not result in the grant of a special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties in the vicinity.
2. There are no traffic safety impacts associated with this deviation request.
3. This project will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts.