Date: January 25, 2022
To: The Honorable Lake County Board of Supervisors
From: Rob Howe, Chief Probation Officer
Subject: Approve Agreement between the County of Lake and the Lake County Office of Education for Probation Family Services, for the period of February 1, 2022 through June 30, 2022 for an amount not to exceed $75,000 and authorize the Chair to sign
Executive Summary:
Family Wraparound, or Wrap, services is a strengths-based planning process that occurs in a team setting to engage with children, youth, and their families. Wrap shifts focus away from a traditional service-driven, problem-based approach of care and instead follows a strengths-based, needs-driven approach. The intent is to build on individual and family strengths to help families achieve positive goals and improve well-being. Wrap is also a team-driven process. From the start, a child and family team is formed and works directly with the family as they identify their own needs and strengths. The team develops a service plan that describes specific strategies for meeting the needs identified by the family. The service plan is individualized, with strategies that reflect the child and family's culture and preferences. Family Wrap is intended to allow children to live and grow up in a safe, stable, permanent family environment. For youth involved in, or at risk of being involved in, the criminal justice system, the Wraparound process can:
* Enhance strengths by creating a strength-based intervention plan with a child and family team;
* Promote youth and parent involvement with family voice, choice, and preference;
* Use community-based services;
* Create independence and stability;
* Provide services that fit a child and family's identified needs, culture, and preferences;
* Create one plan to coordinate responses in all life domains; and
* Focus on achieving positive goals.
The Lake County Probation Department has, in the past, partnered with the Department of Social Se...
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