Date: October 8, 2024
To: The Honorable Lake County Board of Supervisors
From: Mireya G. Turner, Community Development Director
Subject: Appoint Plans Examiner II Jack Smalley to Serve as Interim Chief Building Official at Advance Step 2, Effective October 11, 2024.
Executive Summary: As your Board is aware, our Chief Building Official (CBO) is leaving the position with his last day being October 10, 2024, We are presently recruiting to fill the position. It is anticipated to take several months to fill the position and interim coverage is needed.
In compliance with Lake County Personnel Rule 1604.7, Staff requests the appointment of Plans Examiner II Jack Smalley as Interim CBO, effective October 11, 2024. Because the Plans Examiner class is non-exempt and CBO is exempt, as per Lake County Personnel Rule 1604.7F and 905, Board approval is needed for this interim appointment.
We would also like to request advanced step 2 due to Jack's two previous experiences as Interim Chief Building Official, five years as a Plans Examiner, ICC certifications, and past experience in construction and as a Building Inspector. Excerpts of the corresponding Personnel Rules are included below.
The Board of Supervisors may appoint a current permanent employee to an Interim Appointment in a non-elective exempt service classification. Such assignment is considered a temporary assignment effective on a date, at a rate, and for a period determined by the Board. Employees who accept an Interim Appointment receive all of the benefits and rights associated with the classification to which they are assigned for the period of that Interim Appointment. Upon the conclusion of such Interim Appointment the employee returns to his/her original classification and status.
F. Department Heads shall not authorize a non-exempt staff member to work above class in an exempt service classification. If the exempt servi...
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