File #: 25-267    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/12/2025 In control: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
On agenda: 3/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Consideration of Update on Accomplishments and Conclusion of Cannabis Ordinance Task Force
Sponsors: Community Development
Attachments: 1. Public Comment_Margaux Kambara, 2. Public Comment_Holly Harris

Date: March 18, 2025

To: The Honorable E.J. Crandell, Chair, Lake County Board of Supervisors

From: Mireya Turner, Community Development Director

Subject: Consideration of Update on Accomplishments and Conclusion of Cannabis Ordinance Task Force

Executive Summary:

The Board of Supervisors established the positions for the Cannabis Ordinance Task Force (COTF) as an ad hoc committee on June 7, 2022 by motion. As an ad hoc committee, it is understood that the committee would disband when their temporary function is accomplished. The Members were appointed to those positions on July 22, 2022, and have met regularly for more than two years. Community Development Staff has received sufficient input from the Task Force and the Board to draft the Ordinance to establish Article 73 of Chapter 21 of the Lake County Code for cannabis regulation. This draft Ordinance will follow the state mandated process, with future noticed public hearings at both the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors meetings. No further COTF meetings are necessary.

The Department extends its appreciation to the COTF members for their dedicated service.

If not budgeted, fill in the blanks below only:
Estimated Cost: ________ Amount Budgeted: ________ Additional Requested: ________ Future Annual Cost: ________

Purchasing Considerations (check all that apply): ? Not applicable
? Fully Article X.- and/or Consultant Selection Policy-Compliant (describe process undertaken in "Executive Summary")
? Section 2-38 Exemption from Competitive Bidding (rationale in "Executive Summary," attach documentation, as needed)
? For Technology Purchases: Vetted and Supported by the Technology Governance Committee ("Yes," if checked)
? Other (Please describe in Executive Summary)

Consistency with Vision 2028 (check all that apply): ? Not applicable
? Well-being of Residents ? Public Safety ? Disaster Prevention, Preparedness, Recovery
? Economic Development ? Infrastructure ? Coun...

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