Date: September 24, 2024
To: The Honorable Lake County Board of Supervisors
From: Pawan Upadhyay, Water Resources Director and Angela De Palma-Dow, Program Coordinator, Water Resources
Subject: (Sitting as the Lake County Watershed Protection District) Consideration of three Joint Funding Agreements with the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Dept. of the Interior (USGS) for stream monitoring in Kelsey, Clover, and Scotts Creek, for a total amount not to exceed $138,170 and authorize the Water Resources Director to sign
Executive Summary:
Attached for your Board’s consideration and approval are three joint agreements between the Lake County Watershed Protection District (“District”) and the United States Geographical Survey (“USGS”). The JFA provides funding for the operation and maintenance of the stream flow gage stations that provide real-time and historical data that are critical during floods, floodplain planning, in-stream flow studies, hydrologic investigations, and for monitoring critical flows for stream spawning periods of the State-listed Clear Lake Hitch.
Normally, the Water Resources Department cooperates with USGS to provide annual funding for co-maintenance of only one, Kelsey Creek gauge station. However, this water year, through the combined funding efforts of grants and hitch-need allocations, the District is able to enter into three agreements, broadening the District’s ability to manage and monitor our valuable aquatic resources for people, property, fish, and wildlife protections.
See the attached three joint funding agreements under specific projects at these locations:
1) The annual maintenance and operation of the Kelsey Creek USGS stream gage for $19.370 with $7,340 contributed by USGS totaling an amount not to exceed $26,710. The Kelsey Creek gage agreement identifies a cost-share between The District and USGS, with District portions supported through internal Budgeted District funds. This gage is essential to predicting flows and floods throughout Kelsey Creek. The District has entered into this cost share agreement with USGS every year.
2) A new annual agreement to maintain and calibrate the Clover Creek Bypass Flow gauge station at Elk Mountain Rd in the amount not to exceed $16,750. Funds for this gage are being provided by budgeted District funds for hitch stream flow monitoring.
3) A three-year agreement for the water quality and continuous stage/flow gage at Hwy 29 at Scotts Creek for an amount not to exceed $102,050. The Scotts Creek agreement is the first of its kind, with a three-year funding agreement being supported by an awarded Wildlife Conservation Board grant to the District that is charged with conducting a hydrological survey of the Scotts Creek / Tule Lake subwatershed. In-Stream gaging is essential to this project and to gaining a better understanding of how Scotts creek flows interact with Middle Creek and Clear Lake.
All three agreements were reviewed and approved as to form by County Counsel on August 27, 2024 and final agreements will be submitted for signatures by USGS through a digital signature platform once approved by the District.
This item is not expected to be controversial and is proposed for consent agenda at the September 24th BOS meeting.
If not budgeted, fill in the blanks below only:
Estimated Cost: ________ Amount Budgeted: ________ Additional Requested: ________ Future Annual Cost: ________
Purchasing Considerations (check all that apply): ☐ Not applicable
☐ Fully Article X. <>- and/or Consultant Selection Policy <$!26+Procedures+Manual/Ch4_2021v2.pdf>-Compliant (describe process undertaken in “Executive Summary”)
☐ Section 2-38 <> Exemption from Competitive Bidding (rationale in “Executive Summary,” attach documentation, as needed)
☐ For Technology Purchases: Vetted and Supported by the Technology Governance Committee <> (“Yes,” if checked)
☐ Other (Please describe in Executive Summary)
Consistency with Vision 2028 <> (check all that apply): ☐ Not applicable
☐ Well-being of Residents ☒ Public Safety ☐ Disaster Prevention, Preparedness, Recovery
☐ Economic Development ☐ Infrastructure ☐ County Workforce
☒ Community Collaboration ☐ Business Process Efficiency ☒ Clear Lake
Recommended Action:
(Sitting as the Lake County Watershed Protection District) Approve three Joint Funding Agreements with the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Dept. of the Interior (USGS) for stream monitoring in Kelsey, Clover, and Scotts Creek, for a total amount not to exceed $138, 170 and authorize the Water Resources Director to sign.