Item #6a
9:05 AM
October 27, 2022
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Mireya Turner, Community Development Director
Eric Porter, Associate Planner
DATE: October 27, 2022
SUBJECT: General Plan Conformity, GPC 22-12, CE 22-65. Park Locations:
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Map showing General Park Locations
2. Park Spreadsheet with Improvements by Park
3. Individual Park Improvement Spreadsheets
4. Restroom Structure
5. Photos of Shade Structures
Lake County Public Services Department proposes improvements to 14 Lake County Parks. Pursuant to Government Code Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 3, Article 7, Section 65402, a determination of conformity of the proposed project with the Lake County General Plan must be made by the Planning Commission before the project can move forward. The following parks are proposed to have the improvements listed for each park:
1. Alpine Park. 5985 E. Highway 20, Lucerne (APNs 034-081-08; 034-051-13, 14 & 15); Zoning: Split; "O-FF-WW-SC-P" Open Space-Floodway Fringe-Waterway - Scenic Combining-Parking; and "CR-FF-WW-P-DR" Resort Commercial-Floodway Fringe - Waterway - Parking - Design Review. Site is in the AE flood plain. Four parcels on Lake shore totaling about 1.6 acres. Improvements to Alpine Park include two trash receptacles; two signs, five new trees, two drinking fountains, one shade structure and two concrete benches.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission:
A. Approve Categorical Exemption CE 22-65 with the following findings:
1. The project will not have an adverse environmental impact on the site or its surroundings based on the details on the projects submitted; since the parks are all existing, and the changes proposed are minimal in scope.
2. No mitigation measures appear to be necessary because the projects will not adversely impact any of the categories evaluated under CEQA review.
B. Approve GPC 22-12 with the following findings:
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